What is a personal & spiritual awakening?
Short answer:
It’s breaking out of the Hypnosis of your reality.
Well, it’s like this:
This world is deeply HYPNOTIC
The experiences & stories of this world are hypnotising
👉🏻 they suck you in... like in a hypnosis
Your mind gets pulled into the stories
and those stories will occupy your mind
They will (re)program your believes
will push the buttons of your triggers
And will fire up your desires
& fears
We don’t HEAR stories,
bringing you in a STATE OF BEING
Making it a full body experiences
that captivates your whole being
Stories from the news
Stories from your partner
Stories from your favorite popstars
Stories from your life coach
Stories from your childhood, your family, your own mind
And the mind brings all those stories together through You,
As the main character
The collection point of captivating story lines
We call it: Identity
Until the point where you start questioning;
Who is telling those stories?
Who is listening to the stories?
How sure can we be those stories are real?
For all the stories told, which stories aren’t told?
And for all the story tellers I trust, do I trust them more than my OWN EXPERIENCES?
“How can I even know what’s real?”
It takes courage to ask these questions without running away from the discomfort they bring.
Without shutting them down when they make you feel dizzy. 😵💫
This is the zone where the hypnosis starts to break.
This process is what people call it an AWAKENING
It is also Called more specific: a personal and / or a spiritual awakening
A spiritual awakening doesn’t always start by consciously asking questions,
it often happens by a sudden disruption of your life.
and THEN asking questions
Also awakening is usually not a one ‘time - done’ process.
Most people (all of us actually) get sucked into a the next hypnosis in a next layer of believes.
Until that breaks.
And the next and so on.
In my work,
I’m on a dedicated mission to help people break out of the hypnosis
To take Energetic Leadership over their essence in the process of (spiritual) awakening
(Though you really don't have to vibe on the word 'spiritual' at all.)
No guru’s, not the next Kumbaja community, Not ONE to lead the many
👉🏻 We are powerful & connected individuals
Be welcome to join