In an Activation session we work with what we call the Path of Surrender
But what does that really mean?
And what do we surrender to?
Let's explore:
Starting by stating: Surrendering is always an invitation.
Never something that can be forced
In a sessions a facilitator will invite you to find a state of surrender. And with that, you may invite yourself into that state.
A state that is much like the state right before you fall asleep.
That state can only be accessed when the environment feels safe.
AND… when the Inner space feels safe
Which brings us to the next question:
Who or what do you surrender to?
Now remember: you are sovereign. Noone owns you or knows better what is best for you than your deepest Self.
The first stages of Surrendering are all about the cognitive- / the persona- / the ego- parts of yourself surrendering to the deeper and higher parts of your Self.
Surrendering to the intuitive and wholesome parts of you.
Some like to call it your Higher Self
Other ways of saying that might better click with you:
Your highest potential
Your future self
Your divine blueprint
Your soul
Also if you prefer to work with an intelligence beyond your individual being,
Or if find it hard to trust in yourself
👉🏻it can be very helpful to work with the purest, most loving source you feel connected to.
Here are some names people use:
Life /The universe /God /Nature /Divine mother
What I am personally not a fan of…
…is working with human guru’s, deities, halves Gods or partial gods.
Or surrendering to another human such as a teacher or facilitator
I mean, why would you not surrender to the purest path or source?
From the choice to surrender, in time and on your own pace, more and more parts of yourself and of Life will start show up and communicate.
Guided by the nervous system, the subconscious and the higher Self, to make sure you get precisely enough for the next step in your EVOLUTION.
The wholistic system will start to let go of tensions, bring information to your conscious mind, self regulate, balance out, purge, contract and expand.
And beyond from there.
If you have experienced Energetic / Kundalini/ Life force / Multidimentional Activations,
you probably know it can be a wild ride aswell as a blissful experience.
And all that’s inbetween.
It is such a powerful way to grow and evolve. To Heal and become more united with all the parts of our being, within ourself. Aswell as with the unity of LIFE.
And it will make you realize
that the energy that IS LIFE
is GIVING by nature.
Also I highly recommend to take some time to relate to a concept such as Surrender, to explore what it means to you.