This is a non-dual practice to train compassion, increase your capability to connect & to expand mental mobility
Practice the openness to being wrong
Even if you are right

Nomatter how right you are from YOUR perspective
There is always a perspective in which you are not, in which you are WRONG
Start by practicing this within yourself:
Choose a truth you feel very strongly about. Feel how your mind, heart and body react to it
Now switch to the perspective of this truth being wrong
The resistance the comes up is natural
Just allow yourself to feel feel it
Allow yourself to feel all the inner reactions to being wrong
Even though you are so sure you are actually right
Feel it,
it doesn’t have to feel easy or comfortable
Now, find the doorway of excitement, in this being wrong,
The doorway that brings you new perspectives,
other truths
You don‘t have to label them right
But make sure not to deem them wrong either
Open the space in a ‘what if’ state
What if this was true?
What if the opposite was true too?
What if both truths can exist at the same time? In this paradox?
Try not to analyze but keep noticing what you feel in your body and in your emotional system while asking yourself these questions
Now let it go.
Take a couple of deep breaths
Shift back to what ever perspective or state feels natural for you now.
Confusion is okay.
Remember: this practice is not to replace your truth, it is to create space for different perspectives on truth.
It’s the essence of expanding consciousness and embodying our Non-Dual essence.
Just take it slow. Be kind to yourself as you notice your urges and reactions
When you get more comfortable with practicing this within yourself, when you know your own inner reactions better and you can find calmness and excitement
… this is when you can start practicing this too in the outside world.