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Why I stopped working with the KAP; Kundalini Activation Process brand

Updated: Jun 16

It is time for me to leave the KAP brand.

I will continue doing the work as I have done but just simply calling it ‘Kundalini Activations’.

To facilitate this work I aim to work only with the purest Source frequencies, creating a stable and grounded field. While also holding the space for the human and emotional experiences in the work aswell as guiding integration.

People who have worked with me know this is a very important part of all of my sessions. I never facilitate without giving context and support.

Though KAP has brought me and many people a lot of inner growth, I feel deeply that the purity I stand for can never be accomplished while connected to a brand or a human Guru.

I can no longer stand by the direction KAP as an organization is taking and the growing roll of the energy of Venant’s Guru in the field.

As well as I see a growing problem with the many many many facilitators being trained without proper understanding of how things really work on an energetic level (not just in KAP but also in all the look-a-like brands).

As I mentioned;

I will continue doing the work I do, tuning in on the purest source frequencies I can tune in on, as I have always done from the start.

I continue to study, refine, redefine as I did way before KAP and have continued doing since.

What I do stand for strongly is the incredible beauty of this work and I feel more and more people are attracted to it because it allows us to re-connect to our essence, to our innate wisdom, without any distractions.

It allows us to resonate with Truth.

This resonance is also what now invites us to stop looking at brands and guru’s to lead us, but to find the guidance within. And keep reminding us all that WE ARE ALL THE CHANNEL.

I encourage all of you who love this work to find great teachers and facilitators who not only let you experience the resonance (often called transmissions), but who also encourage you to integrate, to deeply connect with Life, to do self-inquiry, to de-construct spiritual ego, to stay deeply connected to humanness while embodying the non-dual perspectives, to step into truthfulness.

And to humbly be guided back to the purest essence.

For those of you who resonate with me;

Be so very very welcome.

If you have any questions, please do e-mail or text me.



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